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  • Writer's pictureDelicia

5 Secrets to Being Single & Satisfied

Updated: Sep 10, 2017

Originally posted on on 24 Apr 2013

Dear Diary,

As a woman, there are some things I've craved having all my life. #1 being, A good man. We all want a career, a family, and that fairytale everlasting love. But for some of us, that's not how the story goes. We go most our lives wishing for it and wanting something we may never receive. We may get one thing we want and not the other. Is it possible to be single & satisfied?

I believe a girl can have it all, but how long does she have to wait?!! And if she doesn't get it, will she ever be happy?

“In order to find bliss without love, women need to make a conscious decision to do so. We have to promise ourselves that we won't ignore the simple pleasures of life just because we haven't reached the ultimate ones."

Here are my Fave 5 Ways to Staying Single & Satisfied...

1) Stay in the Game

Continue going out, meeting guys, dating, and keeping good friends around you. These are the joys that will keep you in the game and encouraged daily. There's no telling how, when, or where you're gonna meet Mr. Right. Be open-minded but never too desperate and available. Enjoy the chase of finding a good partner and remember it's a numbers game...

2) Keep Yourself Busy

Get in tune with your best skills and hobbies. Keep yourself busy by joining clubs or groups dedicated to the things you love doing. It's always good to have your own thing going on- whether you're single or not. You always have to do something for you.

3) Take Interest in Loved Ones

You will always, Always have family. Whether you get along with them on not, whether they're far or near, they will always be there. Take all the time you can honing in on those relationships and keeping those family ties. The dynamic of family changes when you're with someone and you may not have as much time to establish your immediate family relationships when you're building a new one. So take advantage of the single life and enjoy your parents, your siblings, grands, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc. Those are relationships that can and should never be severed.

4) Travel a Bit

There's nothing to take your mind off of everyday trials like traveling! Get your closest girlfriends and get away! You will meet plenty new faces and see lots of new places. Take a road trip, a cruise, or go away to a new city or even another country even if just for a weekend. You will remember how many wonderful things there are in life to enjoy even if not with a man.

5) Keep in Mind that Love is Closer than you Think

Always remember that relationships are not the end-all in life. Getting into a relationship, a marriage even, is not easy and will NOT guarantee a lifetime of happiness- but you do. And the decisions you make as an individual and as a team with your life partner will determine whether you will make it through 'til the end. There are just as many unhappy married people as there are single people so don't believe jumping into a relationship will solve all your problems and fill all your voids.

Make the decision to be happy alone and accept it. Only then will getting into a relationship be icing on the cake- a wholesome uncompromising pleasure that will, God's willing, last a lifetime.

And keep in mind that Loving yourself -indefinitely- lasts forever and that love is a lot closer than you think.

Do you feel you can be single & satisfied?

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